
LKMA Systems offers to your company a wide variety of services to make technology work for your business.

Access Control Systems

An access control system is one of the best solutions to prevent unauthorized visitors to your building or facility. Access control can be used at the building or at a gated access which provides even more security, because a visitor cannot obtain access to the property without credentials. In addition to this, you can restrict some employees to enter the sensitive areas. With an access control system, you can easily keep a record who entered the premises and at what time. All the data you need to keep your facility running safely.

Reduce Business Risk


Technology Integration

Today’s technology can work together but it takes the know-how to make the systems work smoothly together. Our team has the expertise to make different technologies work together. In the minute-by-minute change in technologies and IT; companies need reliable experts in technology integration and industrial controls who can guide them through the challenges that accompany technological growth. 

More Efficient
& Reliable
More Cost


Building and Facility Intelligence

Having strategically placed high quality commercial security surveillance system installed at your business, especially at entrances/exits, can give you the piece of mind knowing your facility is protected from burglary, theft and other undesirable situations. Having the video proof is often the difference between being able to prosecute criminal activity and recover stolen items. Many insurance companies also give discounts on business insurance when a cctv system is installed.

Better Security & Risk Mitigation
Visitor Experience is Enhanced


Commercial Infrastructure

In remote Northern Ontario areas that hydro doesn’t service; it doesn’t mean your business cannot have access controls, including gate controls and cctv cameras. We specialize in getting companies like yours the same control systems that big city companies enjoy. Just because your remote, doesn’t mean that you don’t need the protection that access control and cctv can give. LKMA Systems will come and assess your needs and make sure you can get exactly what you are looking for in security. .

Energy and Power Management
Enhanced Controls


Consulting and Management

Factors like changing business needs and goals, and evolving or new technology are often among reasons why processes have to change. This includes your access and asset control. Businesses need to be competitive in today’s landscape and knowing who and when an employee or visitor gained access to your building or facility is important now, more than ever. Growth and change are two business realities that all businesses cannot afford to ignore in this changing environment.

Operations Strategy
Project Implementation


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